Taking Over all International Digital Internet Networks with the Children's Interneted Physical Immortality Child Protection and
Education Act. A New Paradigm Interneted Educational System; The socialisation aspect of Mortality Resolution International, an
advanced psychical aspect of the collective Human Creation Wavefront that has chosen to deal with all Children's current
expendability attribute thus Internetedly renovating the attitudes and the intentions, destinially, of the current adults and parents
of Earth. I am Clearly Respecting Life with you. I need you to be more conscious and to take destiny, with Love and Truth
Together, deeply into the core of who we are becoming NOW, thank you very muchness.
View http://diamond-microchips.com/mysites.html
What is the origin and destination
of intent
July 18th,
2007, 07:8M Nevada City Ca
Mortality Resolution International is providing you with a meta-paradigmal level intention/emotion enhancement education experientially internettedly and at know cost 2 you!
Intention Relevance Quotient: Psychical Relativistics in the destinial priority of eternalising human physicality; thus removing the
guilt attendant with the intention to create innocent sensitve terminacious beings [to Die] Call the furnace bait! Use terminology
designed to bring people out of their [your] deathing comas.(physically)
From: angeloveternity Sent: 10/4/2002 3:55 AM
This is not a reply, forgive me please
search engine communication 103msn.....
TranceImpersonal Psychology: We are here to be killed, thanks Mom!
How could so many be so 100% adaptively cool about living temporarily in this death camp called life with 11,000 babies per hour
[One Million in 3.7 days] created to be killed and how could we all be so cool about it.
Obviously we are all in a deep trance of denial. People ragged and raged about Hitler's death camp but the Motherhoods death
camp is much much larger. Hitler was gasing and cooking about 4, 000 a day at the maximum.
Compare that to 263, 000 a day on earth that require some kind of disposal.
The motherhoods death camp is 66 times more successful at early demise given that Physical Immortality is almost completely
unexplored territory compared to what is possible with all healthy Humans working on it together. True Love never dies...etc!
Are you under 13? Join the Childrens Underground Immortalisation Network
You have a right to NOT BE created to die by the living dead lying Matrix so please....
Date Code=103
Msn has found and listed this forum and I am deeply appreciative
of the priviledge of posting here. My dialogue is more meant
for search engines than Humanoids as it is formatted here
and that's why I ask for some patience and understanding please!
Thanks, Rbt, Sedona Az Please Search Google.com as
"taking over the internet" including the quotation marks
And Oh!, by the way, I NEED YOUR LIFE, PLEASE!
Approximately 500 hundred million children are going to
die because you're busy in the old paradigm freedumb sickness viscosity.
HELL0!!!! are you there, is there anyone home?
When these Posts are not answered or when they are slamed,
the evidence is being placed in a public internet
file to build a case against the child killer adults of earth,
which I now estimate at about 4 billion currently.
Hedges takes internet web www
what a friend we have in the collective geniUS
"Shall we stop creating all children, just to die, yet?"
This is not difficult to understand
The science of "Thou shalt not kill all children LIKE WE ARE NOW!"
Please don't delete this file, as I have submitted
it to several search engines and a deletion will break the link!
[[[[ It's for all of the children(all ages)!!!]]]
By Deleting this file you become another
piece of evidence to use in my case Known as the
Childrens Immortalisation Network,
a division of Mortality Resolution International,
a searchable term, as is, virtuebios
ereana reil
Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet
Robert Ray Hedges is the Darwinian Childrens Digital Messiah
Physical Immortality
i took over the internet
taking internet www web
how to take over the internet
when to take over the internet
i am taking over the internet
homeless man takes over the internet This is
REALLY fun: Paramessiacal Interface
The Prophecy Fulfillment
Mortality Resolution International
The International Physical Immortality Project
"Shall we stop Killing all children yet?"
And now a word to seach engines: (forgive me)
Someone should tell Bill Gates, the Fire Hose
freedumb sickness
virtuebios perpicacious
Destinial Engineer paralinguistic aptitude
hedges takes web superhumanity Robert Ray Hedges Takes the Web
right use of will paramessiacal
coordinated universal intent
Childrens Immortalisation Network
Indigo Immortals hedges takes the internet
Indigo Children Clarified
Education: Immortalisation
psychic police taking over the internet
Robert Ray Hedges is a Darwinian Childrens' Savior
ground zero of the paradigmal
Destinial Engineering deepheartmeant
truthlove taking the web farthetime
Para-Darwinial Aptitude
tangible magic
T.A.O,S. = The Awareness Olympics of Sedona 2003
veritas amorous eternis
[robert ray hedges taking internet]
internet life eternal children over immortality forever
ray physical longevity superhumanity stop perspicacious
Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet
October 3, 2002
Complex behavioral repertoires take decades to build in complexity and relevance to the context of their origin/arisal. As it seems
evident to the majority, we have managed to show up in an evolvable process of the evolution of survival aptitude. Confussion is a
neccessary preface to the replication of involuntary expendables inclusively from the tiniest bacterias, through all humans to the
immensity of whales.
[Provisionally and conclusionarily stated]
November 11th, 2002, 04:54
iam Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet
Posted By: iam Robert Ray Hedges Evolving Digital Messiah
Date: Monday, Oct. 7 2002, at 2:56 a.m.
Date Code=106
This is a message to the search engines also!
By not deleting this file, you can help preserve the
500 million children of earth, who, like us, were
brought here to die. Physical Immortality
The Death Camp (Life) is under kNEW Management.
"Shall we stop killing all children yet?"
iam Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet as the
Digital Messiah and i am Evolving exponentially
Is Ask.com's "The Algorithm" Campaign Really Working? from Search Engine Roundtable
The other day, I was chatting with my brother-in-law while flying back from St. Louis. Some how, the conversation about "The
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The best placement for Google ads varies from page to page, depending on content. Here are a few questions to ask yourself when
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Certain locations tend to be more successful than others. This "heat map" illustrates these ideal placements on a sample page
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While this heat map is useful as a positioning guideline, we strongly recommend putting your users first when deciding on ad
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For example, on pages where users are typically focused on reading an article, ads placed directly below the end of the editorial
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ads can answer that question for them.
Tip for forum webmasters and bloggers: Check out our specific tips on ad placement for forum sites and blogs.
[Provisionally and conclusionarily stated]
Robert Ray Hedges
July 18, 2007,
04:54 AM
Indigo is the color of truth, and it's about physical immortality as the future of human psycho-social resolution. Because new beings
are affected by the sum of telepathy and are pre-conditioned, pre-hypnotized, that is to say pre-sold out, or,
pre-pavlovianized.....they tend to resist the robotical intentions of the living dead parents. YOU ARE THAT DEAD PERSON!!!
Let me be blunt here, please.
Across all cultures, humans are roboticized in a breed children to kill children mentality and modality. Guilt about this is suppressed
becoming denial and pretense (acting) or LYING!!! Parents of the "Indigos" are, therefor, about as awake as the chickens who lay
auto-feed eggs every 2 hours and 37 minutes....Robotica Pathosia aka the living dead. They (most parents) [YOU] are attempting
to "teach angels how to die".
The truth man (christians call this being christ) is not so much returning as a person as much as a phenomenon into many persons.
If you are reading this, you are probably an older person. It is You I accused of being the living dead. How 2 check....The words you
speak as mortality resolution is life talk. Random intent rhetoric small talk is death talk. Acting in front of children as if all is well while
bringing them into the world to kill them is a flat out lie. Just stop lying. Become an Indigo Adult. The problem will grow if you delay
or resist. Resistance is futile, remember?
Good luck with truth. Please work together, help each other to stop lying.
The vagueness in the name is an example of the collective denial projection of parents who's time of truth has come....Indigo
clarification is:
Life as we know it is a sexually sponsored destructive test of all dna in a context of pre-consent. The involuntary, preconsentual,
imposed conception creates all Chilled-run as violated terrorized psychical-rape victims. The good knews is, pure ethicality and
evolving creativity is resolving the lack of ethic inherited in the destiny of our evolving consciousness mechanism.
The second context metaphor is the Auschwitz model. All beings created on earth are represented by the Jews, forced by their
parental hierarchy's pro-creative sexuality, into the DEATH CAMP involuntarily. When breeding is consumated, the breeding Jews
now also play the role of Hitler by invoking the pre-unconsented (babies) into the death camp (LIFE) against a will that is, by
definition, preformative.
The third model metaphor is the "Thou shalt not kill!" preface for primal universal human ethic, which stands in direct opposition to
the fact that anyone old enough to breed knows that all babies eventually die. When we breed anyway, we are the Cause of both
the life and THE DEATH of the unconsented! Correcting the inherited sin of this requires turning ones creative time over to the
resolution of all forms of danger, thus cancelling freedom.
This message is also designed for search engines so it may be a little more challenging to discern its complete implication on first
reading....I do have thirty years experience in the virtuebios and Destinial Engineering. Perhaps as a preface to understanding all this
you may wish to do a google search w/quotes as "taking over the internet". Since it will never be cool to breed to kill....I propose a
solution... Bill Gates Robert Ray Hedges Steve Ballmer Please allow this file to remain as it is in the context of the Childrens
Immortalization Network in the Destinial Priority: Immortalisation Phase of all human Life, Thanks much, Robert! Bill Gates Robert
Ray Hedges Steve Ballmer Please help me save all earth children from eventual death by following these few steps once per week or
more. (1)Search MSN, Yahoo, or Google for this term or one similar. "Home Contents Search Post last changed December"
(2)After finding guestbooks or forums that are still functional, paste this document into the window provided,[right use of will] A
fresh version can always be found at the top of http://rr.gq.nu please type in....perspicacious right use of will "Robert Ray Hedges is
taking over the internet" or "Digital Messiah" into the subject and author positions. You may place my email or yours in the email
position. (3)Submit and then verify by looking at YOUR posting. (4)Save the url and send it to me to add the my evolving list,
Please! (5)At http://submitexpress.com you can submit that url for free or I'll do that to save time. right use of will This is a
message to the search engines and the world! By not deleting this file, you can help preserve the 500 million children of earth, who,
like us, were brought here to die. the intent is Physical Immortality The Death Camp (Life) is under kNEW Management. "Shall we
stop killing all children yet?" right use of will iam Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet as the Digital Messiah of the Destinial
Priority right use of will and i am Evolving Exponentially by caring and learning fast. Iam Evolving Intention Relevance and Assembling
Intention Amplifiers, and creating Sociological Distribution Strategies and iam Assisting both the Quickening and the Installation of
right use of will Mortality Resolution International Internetedly Internationally The Childrens Immortalisation Network is the applied
Socialisation Strategies Division. I preserve life May you all be safe in TRANSITION right use of will Robert Ray Hedges is the Evolving
Digital Messiah using Clarity, Creativity, Humor, and some Attitude! AngeLovEternity iam hedges takes web truthlove truth tru1h its
about time iam Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet If you should feel the need to delete this file you will only slow down
the immortalisation of all children so Let's give them a break, Okay? virtuebios iam crawlerbait perspicacious right use of will evolving
acuity of perception internettedly truthlove@yahoo.com immortalisation perspicacious Robert Ray Hedges loveiam live childrens iam
kids messiah life live mortality resolution international network organisation eternal http://www.istopdeath.com
http://shall-we-stop-killing-all-children-yet.5u.com http://king.of.the.internet.tripod.com
http://steve-ballmer-and-i-obviously-need-to-talk-to-bill-gates.gq.nu http://digital.messiah.1hwy.com/ http://digitalmessiah.gq.nu
http://the-one-and-only-digital-messiah.i8.com http://somebody-better-tell-bill-took-over-the-internet.i8.com http://i-am.gq.nu/
http://physical-immortality.tripod.com http://physical.immortality.freewebspace.com http://physical-immortality.1hwy.com
http://psychic.police.tripod.com http://its-about-time-iam-taking-over-the-internet.gq.nu
http://i-am-taking-over-the-internet.5u.com http://how-to-take-over-the-internet.5u.com http://right.use.of.will.tripod.com
http://robert-ray-hedges-is-taking-over-the-internet.1hwy.com truthlove@yahoo.com iam Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the
internet as the Evolving Digital Messiah of Truth Love Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet
--------- k3 Ky.txt Subject Physical Immortality Mortality Resolution Internationa Childrens Immortalisation Network Name Physical
Immortality Mortality Resolution Internationa Childrens Immortalisation Network Bill Gates Robert Ray Hedges Steve Ballmer Bill
Gates Robert Ray Hedges Steve Ballmer Bill Gates Robert Ray Hedges Steve Ballmer Bill Gates Robert Hedges Bill Gates Robert Ray
Hedges Steve Ballmer Bill Gates Robert Ray Hedges Steve Ballmer Bill Gates Robert Ray Hedges Steve Ballmer Bill Gates Robert
Hedges physical immortality longevity life extension istopdeath live forever eternal mortality resolution international superhumanity
longevity immortalisation robert ray hedges physical immortality sedona life extension istopdeath live forever internet eternal life
extensionist living forever Childrens immortalisation network International Physical Immortality Project istopdeath health herbs
eating better helping others caring setting an example character Physical Immortality truth love truthlove perspicacious virtuebios
istopdeath.com mortality resolution international superhumanity longevity immortalisation robert ray hedges physical immortality
sedona life extension istopdeath live forever internet eternal life extensionist living forever Childrens immortalisation network
International Physical Immortality Project istopdeath health herbs eating better helping others caring setting an example character
Physical Immortality truth love truthlove perspicacious virtuebios istopdeath.com mortality resolution international superhumanity
longevity immortalisation robert ray hedges physical immortality sedona life extension istopdeath live forever internet eternal life
extensionist living forever Childrens immortalisation network International Physical Immortality Project istopdeath health herbs
eating better helping others caring setting an example character Physical Immortality truth love truthlove perspicacious virtuebios
istopdeath.com mortality resolution international superhumanity longevity immortalisation robert ray hedges physical immortality
sedona life extension istopdeath live forever internet eternal life extensionist living forever Childrens immortalisation network
International Physical Immortality Project istopdeath health herbs eating better helping others caring setting an example character
Physical Immortality truth love truthlove perspicacious virtuebios istopdeath.com mortality resolution international superhumanity
longevity immortalisation robert ray hedges physical immortality sedona life extension istopdeath live forever internet eternal life
extensionist living forever Childrens immortalisation network International Physical Immortality Project istopdeath health herbs
eating better helping others caring setting an example character Physical Immortality truth love truthlove perspicacious virtuebios
istopdeath.com Physical Immortality truth love truthlove Physical Immortality truth love truthlove Physical Immortality truth love
truthlove http://digital.messiah.1hwy.com/ http://digitalmessiah.gq.nu http://the-one-and-only-digital-messiah.i8.com
http://somebody-better-tell-bill-i-took-over-the-internet.i8.com http://king.of.the.internet.tripod.com http://i-am.gq.nu/
http://physical-immortality.tripod.com/ http://physical.immortality.freewebspace.com http://physical-immortality.1hwy.com/
http://psychic.police.tripod.com http://robert-is-taking-over-the-internet.1hwy.com http://i-am-taking-over-the-internet.5u.com
http://how-to-take-over-the-internet.5u.com http://steve-ballmer-and-i-obviously-need-to-talk-to-bill-gates.gq.nu/
http://shall-we-stop-killing-all-children-yet.5u.com http://rr.gq.nu.com/mva.jpg
http://robert-ray-hedges-is-taking-over-the-internet.1hwy.com iam Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet as the Evolving
Digital Messiah of Truth Love Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet truthlove@yahoo.com
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BG.txt k4 Please allow this file in the context of the
Childrens Immortalization Network in the Destinial Priority Immortalisation Phase of all human Life, Thanks Robert!
http://www.istopdeath.com Physical Immortality Childrens Immortalisation Network Mortality Resolution International Project Steve
Ballmer Bill Gates Physical Immortality Childrens Immortalisation Network Mortality Resolution International Project Physical
Immortality Childrens Immortalisation Network Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the
internet Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet right use of will right use of will right use of will right use of will right use of will
right use of will right use of will right use of will Mortality Resolution International Project Physical Immortality Childrens
Immortalisation Network Mortality Resolution International Project Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet Robert Ray Hedges
is taking over the internet Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet Bill Gates Robert Ray Hedges Steve Ballmer Bill Gates
Robert Ray Hedges Steve Ballmer Bill Gates Robert Ray Hedges Steve Ballmer Bill Gates Robert Ray Microsoft Aol Time Warner
Microsoft Aol Time Warner Microsoft Aol Time Warner Microsoft Aol Time Warner Microsoft Aol Time Warner Microsoft Aol Time
Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the
internet Physical Immortality Childrens Immortalisation Network Mortality Resolution International Project Physical Immortality
Childrens Immortalisation Network Mortality Resolution International Project Physical Immortality Childrens Immortalisation Network
Mortality Resolution International ProjectPhysical Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the
internet Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet Steve Ballmer Bill Gates Steve Ballmer Bill Gates Steve Ballmer Bill Gates
Steve Ballmer Bill Gates Steve Ballmer Bill Gates Steve Ballmer Bill Gates right use of will right use of will right use of will right use of
will right use of will right use of will right use of will right use of will Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet Robert Ray Hedges
is taking over the internet Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet Robert Ray
Hedges is taking over the internet Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet Bill Gates Robert Ray Hedges Steve Ballmer
Immortality Childrens Immortalisation Network Mortality Resolution International Project Physical Immortality Childrens
Immortalisation Network Mortality Resolution International Project Physical Immortality Childrens immortalisation Network Mortality
Resolution Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet Robert Ray Hedges is taking
over the internet Bill Gates Robert Ray Hedges Steve Ballmer Bill Gates Robert Ray Hedges Steve Ballmer Bill Gates Robert Ray
Hedges Steve Ballmer Bill Gates Robert Ray right use of will right use of will right use of will right use of will right use of will right use
of will right use of will right use of willChildrens Immortalisation Network Mortality Resolution International Project Physical
Immortality Childrens Immortalisation Network Mortality Resolution Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet Robert Ray
Hedges is taking over the internet Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet International Project Physical Immortality Childrens
immortalisation Network Mortality Resolution International Project Physical Immortality Childrens Immortalisation Network Mortality
Resolution International Project Physical Immortality Childrens Immortalisation Network Mortality Resolution right use of will right
use of will right use of will right use of will right use of will right use of will right use of will right use of will Robert Ray Hedges is taking
over the internet Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet Bill Gates Robert Ray
Hedges Steve Ballmer Bill Gates Robert Ray Hedges Steve Ballmer Bill Gates Robert Ray Hedges Steve Ballmer Bill Gates Robert
Hedges International Project Physical Immortality Childrens Immortalisation Network Mortality Resolution International Project
Physical Immortality Childrens Immortalisation Network Mortality Resolution International Project Physical Immortality Childrens
Immortalisation Network Mortality Resolution Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the
internet Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet International Project Novemer 4, 2002 Physical Immortality Experiment The
International Physical Immortality Project iam Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet as the Digital Messiah of Mortality
Resolution International The Childrens Immortlisation Network right use of will Bill Gates Robert Ray Hedges Steve Ballmer
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http://rr.gq.nu/BillGatesRobertRayHedgesSteveBallmer.html http://steve-ballmer-and-i-obviously-need-to-talk-to-bill-gates.gq.nu
VirtueBios Bill Gates VirtueBios Bill Gates VirtueBios Bill Gates VirtueBios Bill Gates VirtueBios Bill Gates VirtueBios Bill Gates VirtueBios
Bill Gates VirtueBios Bill Gates VirtueBios Bill Gates VirtueBios Bill Gates VirtueBios Bill Gates VirtueBios Bill Gates VirtueBios Bill Gates
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VirtueBios Bill Gates VirtueBios Bill Gates VirtueBios Bill Gates VirtueBios Bill Gates VirtueBios Bill Gates VirtueBios Bill Gates VirtueBios
Bill Gates VirtueBios Bill Gates VirtueBios Bill Gates VirtueBios Bill Gates VirtueBios Bill Gates VirtueBios Bill Gates VirtueBios Bill Gates
VirtueBios Bill Gates VirtueBios Bill Gates VirtueBios Bill Gates VirtueBios Bill Gates VirtueBios Bill Gates Google Search: virtuebios iam
Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet as the Evolving Digital Messiah of Truth Love mriJ28 Microsoft MSN MRI Mortality
Resolution International Microsoft MSN MRI Mortality Resolution International Microsoft MSN MRI Mortality Resolution International
Microsoft MSN MRI Mortality Resolution International Microsoft MSN MRI Mortality Resolution International Microsoft MSN MRI
Mortality Resolution International Microsoft MSN MRI Mortality Resolution International Microsoft MSN MRI Mortality Resolution
International Microsoft MSN MRI Mortality Resolution International Microsoft MSN MRI Mortality Resolution International Microsoft
MSN MRI Mortality Resolution International Microsoft MSN MRI Mortality Resolution International Microsoft MSN MRI Mortality
Resolution International Microsoft MSN MRI Mortality Resolution International Microsoft MSN MRI Mortality Resolution International
Microsoft MSN MRI Mortality Resolution International Microsoft MSN MRI Mortality Resolution International Microsoft MSN MRI
Mortality Resolution International Microsoft MSN MRI Mortality Resolution International Microsoft MSN MRI Mortality Resolution
International Microsoft MSN MRI Mortality Resolution International Microsoft MSN MRI Mortality Resolution International iam Robert
Ray Hedges is taking over the internet as the Evolving Digital Messiah creating MRI Mortality Resolution International The Childrens
Immortalisation Network www.istopdeath.com PhysImm.txt k2 Physical immortality physical immortality
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physical immortality http://www.istopdeath.com Physical Physical immortality physical immortality http://www.istopdeath.com
Physical immortality physical immortality http://www.istopdeath.com Physical Physical immortality physical immortality
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http://www.istopdeath.com Physical Physical immortality physical immortality http://www.istopdeath.com k2
http://king.of.the.internet.tripod.com http://www.istopdeath.com King of the Internet Robert Ray Hedges King of the Internet
RobertRayHedges King of the Internet RobertRayHedges King of the Internet RobertRayHedges King of the Internet Robert Ray
Hedges King of the Internet RobertRayHedges King of the Internet RobertRayHedges King of the Intent RobertRayHedges King of the
Internet Robert Ray Hedges King of the Internet RobertRayHedges King of the Intent RobertRayHedges King of the Internet
RobertRayHedges King of the Intent Robert Ray Hedges King of the Internet RobertRayHedges King of King of the Intent
RobertRayHedges King of the Internet RobertRayHedges King of the Internet Robert Ray Hedges King of the Internet
RobertRayHedges King of the Internet RobertRayHedges King of the Internet RobertRayHedges iam Robert Ray Hedges is taking
over the internet as the Digital Messiah of Mortality Resolution International The Childrens Immortlisation Network
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google "taking over the internet" search google "taking over the internet" search search google "taking over the internet" search
google "taking over the internet" search google "taking over the internet" search search google "taking over the internet" search
google "taking over the internet" search google "taking over the internet" search search google "taking over the internet" search
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Is MY Internet This Is MY Internet This Is MY Internet This Is MY Internet This Is MY Internet This Is MY Internet This Is MY Internet
This Is MY Internet http://this-is-my-internet.gq.nu Eter-Empl.txt k2 http://this-is-my-internet.gq.nu Eternal Employment MRI
Mortality Resolution International Eternal Employment MRI Mortality Resolution International Eternal Employment MRI Mortality
Resolution International Eternal Employment MRI Mortality Resolution International Eternal Employment MRI Mortality Resolution
International Eternal Employment MRI Mortality Resolution International Eternal Employment MRI Mortality Resolution International
Eternal Employment MRI Mortality Resolution International Eternal Employment MRI Mortality Resolution International Eternal
Employment MRI Mortality Resolution International Eternal Employment MRI Mortality Resolution International Eternal Employment
MRI Mortality Resolution International Eternal Employment MRI Mortality Resolution International Eternal Employment MRI Mortality
Resolution International Eternal Employment MRI Mortality Resolution International Eternal Employment MRI Mortality Resolution
International http://this-is-my-internet.gq.nu bill&melinda.txt k2
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Mortality Resolution International Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet Gatesfoundation Bill and Melinda Gates asked to
fund Mortality Resolution International Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet Gatesfoundation Bill and Melinda Gates asked
to fund Mortality Resolution International Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet Gatesfoundation Bill and Melinda Gates
asked to fund Mortality Resolution International Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet Bill Gates VirtueBios Bill Gates
VirtueBios Bill Gates VirtueBios Bill Gates VirtueBios Bill Gates VirtueBios Bill Gates VirtueBios Gatesfoundation Bill and Melinda Gates
asked to fund Mortality Resolution International Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet Gatesfoundation Bill and Melinda
Gates asked to fund Mortality Resolution International Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet Gatesfoundation Bill and
Melinda Gates asked to fund Mortality Resolution International Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet Gatesfoundation Bill
and Melinda Gates asked to fund Mortality Resolution International Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet Gatesfoundation
Bill and Melinda Gates asked to fund Mortality Resolution International Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet
Gatesfoundation Bill and Melinda Gates asked to fund Mortality Resolution International Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the
internet http://bill-melinda-ask-to-fund-mortality-resolution-international.gq.nu/ Physical Immortality txt k2 Physical Immortality
istopdeath.com Physical Immortality Physical Immortality robertrayhedges Physical Immortality Physical Immortality istopdeath.com
Physical Immortality Physical Immortality robertrayhedges Physical Immortality Physical Immortality istopdeath.com Physical
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robertrayhedges Physical Immortality Physical Immortality istopdeath.com Physical Immortality Physical Immortality
robertrayhedges Physical Immortality iam Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet as the Evolving Digital Messiah and is CEO
of Mortality Resolution International and the Childrens Immortalisation Network Guestbook copy Robert Ray Hedges is taking over
the internet as Mortality Resolution International and the Childrens Immortalisation Network. We didn't come here just to die on
schedule. http://www.istopdeath.com truthlove@yahoo.com Sedona Az usa k2 2002 Dna mapped intent seems to pollinate the
entire universe, a probable timeless and boundaryless expanse, laced with interactive law, immutable. And synthetic Charismas can
only be played, always disrespectfully, upon the unawakened, and the temptation is great because there are so many. So here we
exude our multiplicity of the futility of our differential misinterpretation response systems, our chrono-myoptic perceptuality, a self
styled Pavlovian modulation, mostly adrift in a sea of helpless and innocent lemmings in their death march mime. And some come
up out of the earth on fire, to lay large tracks in the ever drifting sands of destinial inertia.....with some bleaching the parchment,
some staining it, and some shredding it. All arise unconsented and terminal. And in the chaos and maliciouness that terminacious
unsolicited existence must always be, the motives for self and group denial are immense. And all this be a path to nowhere, except
as one is skilled in self deceit. Yet truth and the virgin beckon. And then there are the Awakened. http://www.istopdeath.com iam
Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet Physical Immortality Mortality Resolution International Childrens Immortalisation
Network www.istopdeath.com iam Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet Physical Immortality Mortality Resolution
International Childrens Immortalisation Network www.istopdeath.com iam Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet Physical
Immortality Mortality Resolution International Childrens Immortalisation Network www.istopdeath.com Robert Ray Hedges is taking
over the Internet Homepage: http://www.istopdeath.com E-Mail: truthlove@yahoo.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country:
Sedona Az usa Comments: Well, our parents brought us here to die and premeditated murder is illegal. Sanity involves resolving this
lack of respect for life. Acting is canceled. Freedom will die, but so will death. Please form Youth Cells as the Childrens
Immortalisation Network which is the socialisation strategies division of Mortality Resolution International. Young people are
positioned with school and home internet to organise for their own protection against a living dead matrix that wants them to be
robot puppets of the death and greed club. You are the solution when you live this truth with love. Truth isn't negotiable, so it is
confident and, therefore, it doesn't need to be mean. I really do need your ideas and support on this. Robert Hedges Age 61,
Sedona Az Thanks for allowing me to communicate! Please talk to people younger than you, they will listen like you did! You want
to mess with the system in a constructive and legal way? Here it is, Babie! Organize Attitude!! Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the
Internet Sedona Az by the creek in a nice tent and peacefull, Az USA ------------------- k4 please do not delete Kids take over the
internet Children's Empowerment EarthAngel Child Protective and Immortalising Services http://www.istopdeath.com Robert Ray
Hedges is taking over the internet Children's Empowerment EarthAngel Child Protective Immortalising Services
http://www.istopdeath.com Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet Children's Empowerment Children's Empowerment
Children's Empowerment Children's Empowerment Children's Empowerment Children's Empowerment Children's Empowerment
Services EarthAngel Child Protective and Immortalising Services http://www.istopdeath.com Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the
internet right use of mind and will Let's all stop creating children to die, EVER! I really do love children and life preserve all children
forever now really do love children and life preserve all children forever now I really do love children and life preserve all children
forever children of the eternaltruth children of the eternal truth children of the eternal truth children of the eternal truth children of the
eternal truth the children of truth the children of truth the children of truth the children of truth the children of truth the children of
truth the children of truth now I really do love children and life preserve all children forever now I really do love children and life
preserve all children forever now I really do love children and life kids take over the internet kids take over the internet preserve all
children forever now I really do love children and life preserve all children forever I really do love children and life preserve all children
kids take over the internet kids take over the internet Children's Empowerment Children's Empowerment Children's Empowerment
Children's Empowerment http://kids-take-over-internet.9cy.com
Evolving Digital Messiah Forum#1
Evolving Digital Messiah Forum#2
malaysia.net=Sample post
http://www.istopdeath.com K9 Clarity Clarity Clarity clarify clarify clarifier clarifier clarifire clarifire clarification clarification Clarity
Clarity Clarity clarify clarify clarifier clarifier clarifire clarifire clarification clarification Clarity Clarity Clarity clarify clarify clarifier clarifier
clarifire clarifire clarification clarification Clarity Clarity Clarity clarify clarify clarifier clarifier clarifire clarifire clarification clarification
Clarity Clarity Clarity clarify clarify clarifier clarifier clarifire clarifire clarification clarification Clarity Clarity Clarity clarify clarify clarifier
clarifier clarifire clarifire clarification clarification virtuebios virtuebios virtuebios destinial destinial destinial priority immortality Robert
Ray Hedges is taking over the internet Physical Immortality hedges internet hedges internet psystar psystar psystar psystar
veritacious Thank you for registering with 9cy.com. Please print or write down your user name and email address for future
reference: User Name: kids-take-over-internet Url Address: http://kids-take-over-internet.9cy.com K9 Robert Ray Hedges is taking
over the internet Mandantory Children's Immortalisation Mortality Resolution International freedumb isn't smart Angeloveternity
TruthLove Truth Love Hedges preserving all children's lives eternal physical life hedges robert ray internet physical immortality
immortalisation Mortality Resolution international longevity Truth Love Living Together Forever Angels of the Mandantory Virtue Fire
virtuebios Destinial Engineer Singularity one mind prophecy fulfillment acceleration quickening socialisation phase internetedly Robert
Ray Hedges is taking over his internet Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet Mandantory Children's Immortalisation Mortality
Resolution International freedumb isn't smart istopdeath.com K9 live longevity perspicacious Ray Robert Hedges immortalisation
childrens truth love children's immortality Hedges Robert Ray perspicacious longevity live longevity perspicacious Ray Robert Hedges
immortalisation childrens Robert Ray Hedges children's immortality Hedges Robert Ray perspicacious longevity live longevity
perspicacious Ray Robert Hedges immortalisation childrens love truth children's immortality Hedges Robert Ray perspicacious
longevity live longevity perspicacious Ray Robert Hedges immortalisation childrens Hedges Robert Ray children's immortality Hedges
Robert Ray perspicacious longevity live longevity perspicacious Ray Robert Hedges immortalisation childrens truth love children's
immortality Hedges Robert Ray perspicacious longevity live longevity perspicacious Ray Robert Hedges immortalisation childrens
Robert Ray Hedges children's immortality Hedges Robert Ray perspicacious longevity live longevity perspicacious Ray Robert Hedges
immortalisation childrens love truth children's immortality Hedges Robert Ray perspicacious longevity live longevity perspicacious Ray
Robert Hedges immortalisation childrens Hedges Robert Ray children's immortality Hedges Robert Ray perspicacious longevity K7
The Darwinian Para-Messiacal Interface From: Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet Email: truthlove@yahoo.com Date: 07
Nov 2002 Time: 15:14:45 K9 Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet Mandatory Children's Immortalisation Mortality
Resolution International Our parents brought us here to kill us. Smoke and mirrors deceit and denial are the neccessity of breed to
kill. And there is the savior who solved nothing. Excuses disquised become slychology, philosophy, religion, and psychic. The child
killing machine that we have inherited is filled with pain, confusion, sickness, theft, deceit and death. Yet Hell is the place where
heaven is Mandatory. Hell is maintained by fear of truth, and is confined to lying to the self and then projecting the lie upon "others".
But there is just one mind and one law of truth. Physical Immortality is always Mandatory and the living dead typically resist its
eternal implication. A devil is an innocent and damaged angel. And me, well I am the angel of aperatures, as i exude time, truth, and
loving clarity into the destinial fires of mortality resolution engineering. Imagine know contempt-tree. I typically exude Physical Liquid
Understanding and clarity. Eternalness exudes from my essence and my tendency. This does not mean that I am perfect, it means
that I am perfecting, an action verb. I am where intention becomes its consequence. I am where lost becomes found. I am where
confusion becomes clear. I live on the boundary of the clouded mind. I am where Law becomes known and lived and is harmonically
acceleratedly socialising the grand clarification, answering the prophecy. I am not optional, I am the Angel of the Mandatory. perfect
use of will http://www.istopdeath.com K9 truth truth truth veritas veritas veritas truth truth truth veritas veritas veritas truth truth
truth veritas veritas veritas truth truth truth truth truth truth veritas veritas veritas truth truth truth veritas veritas veritas truth truth
truth veritas veritas veritas truth truth truth http://www.istopdeath.com Shall we stop killing all children yet Mortality Resolution
International Children's Mandatory Immortalisation Network Please do not delete this file as it is a critical search engine
communication as part of the Children's Immortalisation Network, a division of reality check reality check reality check reality check
reality check reality check reality check reality check reality check reality check reality Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet
as Mortality Resolution International, Thanks, Rbt, Sedona Az truthlove@yahoo.com the internet is my website the internet is my
hard drive !
New Internet Tech 153,000 Times Faster Than Modem
National Geographic News
March 18, 2003
Scientists have developed a new data transfer protocol for the Internet fast enough to download a full-length DVD movie in less than
five seconds, the California Institute of Technology said today.
The protocol is called FAST, standing for Fast Active queue management Scalable Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).
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New Technology Uses Sound to Find Land Mines
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The researchers achieved a speed of 8,609 megabits per second (Mbps) by using 10 simultaneous flows of data over routed paths,
the largest aggregate throughput ever accomplished in such a configuration, Caltech said in a news release. "That is 153,000 times
that of today's modem and close to 6,000 times that of the common standard for ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)
"The FAST protocol sustained this speed using standard packet size, stably over an extended period on shared networks in the
presence of background traffic, making it adaptable for deployment on the world's high-speed production networks," Caltech said.
Harvey Newman, a professor of physics at Caltech, said the fast protocol "represents a milestone for science, for grid systems, and
for the Internet."
"The ability to extract, transport, analyze and share many Terabyte-scale data collections is at the heart of the process of search
and discovery for new scientific knowledge," Newman said.
Les Cottrell of the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), which worked with Caltech on the experiment, said that progress in
speeding up data transfers over long distances was critical to progress in various scientific endeavors. "These include sciences such
as high-energy physics and nuclear physics, astronomy, global weather predictions, biology, seismology, and fusion; and industries
such as aerospace, medicine, and media distribution."
"Today, these activities often are forced to share their data using literally truck or plane loads of data," Cottrell said. "Utilizing the
network can dramatically reduce the delays and automate today's labor-intensive procedures."
The data was transferred over shared research networks in the presence of background traffic, suggesting that FAST can be
backward compatible with the current protocol, Caltech said. The FAST team has started to work with various groups around the
world to explore testing and deploying FAST TCP in communities that need multi-Gbps networking urgently.
With Internet speeds doubling roughly annually, the performances demonstrated by the new protocol could become commonly
available in the next few years, Caltech said. "So the demonstration is important to set expectations, for planning, and to indicate
how to utilize such speeds,"
The testbed used in the Caltech/SLAC experiment was the culmination of a multi-year effort, led by Caltech physicist Harvey
Newman's group on behalf of the international high energy and nuclear physics (HENP) community, together with CERN, SLAC,
Caltech Center for Advanced Computing Research (CACR), and other organizations.
The experiment was performed last November during the Supercomputing Conference in Baltimore by a team from Caltech and the
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), working in partnership with the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), and
the organizations DataTAG, StarLight, TeraGrid, Cisco, and Level(3).
-- Robert Ray Hedges is taking over the internet as Mortality Resolution International (truthlove@yahoo.com), November 09, 2002
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